Embark on a journey that transcends borders, enriching your soul while transforming lives. Join us in our mission to make a difference in Kenya, Uganda, and The Netherlands. Whether you seek personal growth, cultural immersion, or the chance to leave a lasting impact, our project offers an unparalleled opportunity for you to get involved.


Location 1: Kenya/Uganda

What We Offer:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer Work
  • Gap Year Opportunities

Why Choose Us?

Embark on a journey that will broaden your horizons and leave a lasting impact. Join us in Kenya/Uganda for an unforgettable experience.

Experience Areas:

  1. Working with Children
  2. Administrative Support
  3. Film Making
  4. Photography
  5. Marketing
  6. Coaching
  7. Event Planning
  8. Farming

Projects Available:

  • Children’s Homes
  • Akogo House
  • Farming Projects
  • Akogo Productions

Location 2: The Netherlands

What We Offer:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer Work
  • Gap Year Opportunities

Why Choose Us?

Experience the cultural richness of The Netherlands while making a difference.

Experience Areas:

  1. Guest Hosting
  2. Business Development
  3. Creative Arts
  4. Music
  5. Dance
  6. Acrobatics

Projects Available:

  • Africa Safari Festival in Utrecht


Discover the power of humanity and the joy of giving back. Take the first step towards an extraordinary adventure that will shape not only your future but the futures of those we serve. Reach out today and become part of something truly remarkable. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow for communities in need.


Sponsor a Child Monthly:

Support a child’s education, health, and well-being by becoming a sponsor.

  • €25,- / $30,- / KSH 2500,- per month

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Fundraising: Support our foundation by organizing fundraising events or campaigns in your local area.
  • Awareness: Help spread awareness about our work and mission to your network.
  • Cultural Performances: Organize or invite our cultural troop/band for performances in your community.

How to Donate:


  • Account Name: God’s Embassy Amsterdam
  • EUR Account Number: NL32INGB0004978745 (ANBI) (T.a.v Beats Of Hope)


  • Account Name: Beats Of Hope Africa Foundation Ltd
  • Swiftcode: EQBLUGKA
  • EUR Account Number: 1002203184259
  • Bank Name: Equity bank Uganda ltd, Buganda road Branch

United States:

Your contribution makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity!

Our Partners

Illinois | USA

— First Federated Church

Since 2008, the First Federated Church of Peoria, Illinois, USA, has been our steadfast partner in overseas missions. Annie Krummel, a volunteer from the church, was deeply moved by the plight of street children in Mombasa. Her compelling presentation spurred Dr. Forrest L. Krummel Jr., the church’s senior pastor, to mobilize the congregation. Their generous support allowed us to establish our first home in Nyali, Mombasa, providing hope to countless children. Dr. Krummel remains a key patron, continuing to guide our mission.


— Dust Boss

Dust Boss, a US-based dust control service company, dedicates part of its profits to support street children in Mombasa, offering them hope for a brighter future.

Kenya & Uganda | Africa

— Cornerstone Development Africa

Cornerstone Development Africa is dedicated to nurturing Africa’s future leaders, focusing on instilling values of community transformation and personal growth. Daniel Okiror, founder of Beats of Hope-Wana Wa Mola, was actively involved in their mentorship programs and volunteered in their street outreach initiatives. It was through Cornerstone that he connected with the First Federated Church, initiating their partnership to support street children in Mombasa. Today, Cornerstone remains a guiding force in our journey.

Utrecht | Netherlands


The Utrecht World Music Foundation plays a pivotal role in supporting arts and culture groups like Beats of Hope by providing financial assistance. Thanks to their partnership, we successfully launched the Africa Safari Festival in Utrecht, Netherlands.

Mombasa | Kenya

— Crossroads Fellowship

Crossroads Fellowship is deeply dedicated to missions. Boys from our home in Nyali, Mombasa, regularly visit and volunteer at this church. Additionally, we receive monthly food support from them.


— Caterpillar

Caterpillar USA, supported by the Caterpillar Foundation, is dedicated to global poverty alleviation efforts. Wana Wa Mola benefits from their initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on street children in Mombasa.

Utrecht | Netherlands


ZIMIHC Theater Stefanus, located in the Utrecht neighborhood of Overvecht, is a vibrant hub dedicated to cultivating various art forms from diverse cultures. On July 13th, 2019, Africa Safari made its debut on this prestigious stage. Our ongoing collaboration not only enhances the cultural landscape but also contributes to the economic growth and reputation of this multicultural neighborhood.

Amsterdam | Netherlands

— God's Embassy

God’s Embassy has provided support to Beats of Hope Africa Foundation



Dock Netherlands has provided support to Beats of Hope Africa Foundation

Düsseldorf | Germany

— ISI Institute for Social Innovation GmbH

Isi Institute for Social Innovation has provided support to Beats of Hope Africa Foundation


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