In the shadowed alleyways of our cities, innocence fades like whispers in the night, swallowed by the harsh realities that haunt the streets. Here, where the echoes of violence and despair reverberate, street children find themselves adrift on a sea of sorrow, cast aside by a world indifferent to their plight.

Their journey into darkness begins with a litany of tragedies – physical violence tearing through the fragile fabric of their lives, the suffocating grip of addiction ensnaring their spirits, the gaping wounds left by the loss of a parent or the fracturing of family bonds. Poverty, war, natural disaster – each a merciless architect of their downfall, each a silent accomplice in their descent into despair.

Once ensnared by the streets, they find themselves ensnared by greater horrors. What starts as a quest for survival soon becomes a battle for their very souls, as they grapple with the specter of hunger, the gnawing ache of addiction, the chilling touch of abuse – both physical and sexual – inflicted by those who share their plight.

But perhaps the cruelest twist of fate lies in the false promise of escape, as street families seek refuge amidst the refuse of society, their daily sustenance a bitter feast of rotten leftovers scavenged from garbage dumping sites.

Their bodies bear the scars of their suffering – health ravaged by neglect and deprivation, minds shackled by the chains of addiction. And yet, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remains. In the heart of the Outreach Program, we offer more than just food and shelter. We offer a lifeline, a chance to reclaim what was lost, to rediscover the music of their souls amidst the cacophony of despair. Through food, music, dance, drama, and games, we reach out to these forgotten souls, forging connections amidst the chaos, seeking out those brave enough to grasp the hand we offer and embark on a journey of transformation.


Based in Uganda, Kenya, and the Netherlands, Beats of Hope is more than just an organization; it’s a beacon of hope for Africa’s marginalized youth. Driven by founder Daniel Okiror’s profound personal journey, our mission is to empower communities and youth to strive for success while embodying the ethos of helping others.

From experiencing hardship himself, Daniel’s vision emerged: to lift children from the streets, nurturing their talents, and providing them with the love and support they deserve. With projects spanning East Africa and Europe, Beats of Hope offers empowerment through initiatives like children’s homes, arts centers, and backpacker accommodations.

Infused with Daniel’s passion for social change and cultural exchange, each endeavor embodies our commitment to making a lasting impact. Additionally, Beats of Hope organizes events like the “Africa Safari Festival” and runs a record label in the Netherlands, providing a global platform for African artists.

At its core, Beats of Hope believes that helping others is the truest form of self-fulfillment. Through a network connecting volunteers with grassroots organizations, we harness collective action to create lasting change. As we continue our journey, Beats of Hope remains steadfast in its mission to provide homes for every African child in need, guided by the enduring spirit of resilience and compassion.

Located in mombasa, kenya

Located in soROti, uganda


We are a mentorship program that blends Christian principles—love, patience, honesty—with social entrepreneurship in African products and services: music, art/crafts, food, internships, cultural exchange, media, and special oils. Our aim is to create a viable space of connection where everyone feels at home.


Loving the least, last, lost community; a world where all
street children and orphans learn to be self reliant, dignified
and have a sense of belonging. We hope to change the
perspective of Africa in a positive way to show that this
continent is more than only problems and poverty.


Providing Essentials

Ensuring access to life’s basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing, empowering individuals to thrive with dignity and security.


Offering a path to recovery and renewal for those grappling with addiction, trauma, or hardship, guiding them towards a brighter future.

Talent Nurturing

Cultivating and celebrating the unique gifts and abilities of every individual, fostering creativity, confidence, and self-expression.


Unlocking the doors to knowledge and opportunity through quality education, empowering individuals to realize their full potential and shape their own destinies.

Health & Wellness

Promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being through comprehensive healthcare services and holistic wellness programs.

Social Inclusion

Creating a welcoming and inclusive community where every voice is heard, valued, and respected, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.


Street children often find themselves on the streets due to a myriad of reasons: physical violence, drug and alcohol abuse, parental death, family breakdown, poverty, war, or natural disasters. Once there, they face even greater challenges, with some families resorting to scavenging at garbage dumping sites for sustenance, consuming rotten leftovers as their daily meals.

These vulnerable children suffer from a range of health issues and are often trapped in cycles of addiction to substances like glue and alcohol. Additionally, they endure the harrowing realities of physical and sexual abuse from fellow street dwellers.

Through our Outreach Program, whether conducted on the streets or in their makeshift homes, we provide essential support. We distribute food, engage in music, dance, drama, and games, creating connections with the children. Through these activities, we identify those who are ready to embark on a journey of transformation and offer them the opportunity to change their lives for the better.


Our approach to addressing the issue of numerous street children in Kenya and Uganda involves a home-based mentoring model. In this model, we admit 20-25 street children aged between 8 and 17 years into two homes—one in Kenya and the other in Uganda.

These homes provide essential necessities such as food, clothing, medical care, and education, but above all, they offer love and support to build the children’s self-esteem. The boys undergo mentorship, education, and training until they become self-reliant or are resettled with their relatives and reintegrated into the community through our reintegration program.


Spiritual Guidance

Providing compassionate support and guidance to nurture the spiritual well-being of individuals, helping them find peace, purpose, and inner strength.

Mental Growth

Fostering personal development and resilience through tailored programs and resources designed to support mental health, emotional intelligence, and self-awareness.

Talent Nurturing

Cultivating and celebrating the unique gifts and abilities of every individual, fostering creativity, confidence, and self-expression.


Unlocking the doors to knowledge and opportunity through quality education, empowering individuals to realize their full potential and shape their own destinies.

Physical Health

Promoting wellness and vitality through comprehensive healthcare services, wellness programs, and resources aimed at enhancing physical well-being and vitality.

Social Reconciliation

Facilitating healing and rebuilding relationships within families, fostering understanding, communication, and mutual respect to create a supportive and nurturing environment.



Godfrey- Class 9

My name is Godfrey Mutethia, and I am 16 years old, currently in Primary 7. I was 10 years old when I came to Wana Wa Mola. Originally, I am from Vipingo in Kilifi County.

Life at home was challenging. I lived with my father, who was unable to provide for me as he spent most of his time drinking alcohol. He was always drunk, and I often had to fend for myself, roaming around and borrowing money just to have something to eat. I couldn’t attend school due to these circumstances.

I found my way to Wana Wa Mola through Crossroads Church. Life here has been a blessing. I receive everything I need, including food, clothes, shelter, and education. Most importantly, I now have a place to call home and have learned so much since coming here.

My dream is to become a dancer and to volunteer to serve God.

Eddy- Class 9

My name is Eddy Ochieng, and I’m 16 years old. I arrived at Wana Wa Mola when I was 12 years old, coming from Mtongwe Likoni. Life at home was tough; food was scarce, and my mother was often absent. I ended up roaming the streets with friends in search of sustenance. Eventually, I resorted to stealing just to survive, which led to my arrest by the city council police and placement in a remand home.

Thankfully, the children’s department referred me to Wana Wa Mola. Life here is different; everything I need is provided, and I can attend school regularly. Currently, I’m in primary class 7. Despite the challenges I’ve faced, my dream remains unchanged: I aspire to become a skilled drummer.

Michael- Class 11

Michael Ojwang, a resilient 17-year-old currently in his third year of high school, hails from Kisii town. His journey to this point has been fraught with challenges, starting at the tender age of 10 when he arrived in Wana Wa Mola.

Home life was fraught with difficulty as his mother battled illness, leaving Michael to fend for himself in the quest for sustenance. Resorting to selling scrap metal, scavenging for food scraps, and at times even relying on the charity of others, Michael’s early years were marked by hardship and uncertainty. His circumstances led him to the unforgiving streets, where he grappled with hunger and evaded law enforcement due to his involvement with cigarettes.

However, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of Uncle Benon, encountered in Mombasa. Through his mother’s plea and Uncle Benon’s benevolence, Michael found himself on a path toward transformation. The sanctuary of Wana Wa Mola provided more than just basic necessities; it offered solace, stability, and the opportunity for education. Here, Michael not only receives essentials like food, clothing, and education materials, but also discovers a newfound passion for acrobatics.

Amidst his journey, Michael harbors a profound dream—to become an electrical or mechanical engineer. This aspiration, born from his tenacity and resilience, serves as a testament to his unwavering determination to transcend his circumstances and build a brighter future.

In Michael’s narrative, one finds the intersection of adversity and hope, a testament to the transformative power of compassion and opportunity.

Rama- Class 10

Rama Tsole, a resilient 16-year-old embarking on his journey in Form One at Khadija High School in Mombasa, Kenya, represents a story of transformation amidst adversity. Originating from Kilifi, near Mombasa town, Rama’s upbringing was marked by profound struggle.

Hailing from a family of seven siblings residing amidst the desolation of the garbage dump, survival meant scavenging for sustenance amidst the refuse of the Mwakirunge dumping site. Despite his father’s earnest attempts to prioritize education, the burden of school fees and the daily struggle for food perpetually disrupted Rama’s academic pursuits.

However, a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the despair when Beats Of Hope (Wana Wa Mola) made an unexpected appearance at the dumping site. Uncle Daniel, now a paternal figure to Rama, extended an offer of support to those weary of street life, urging them to embrace change and pursue education. Moved by this opportunity, Rama seized the chance for a better life, with his father’s unwavering encouragement.

Today, Rama not only navigates his academic journey but also assumes the role of mentorship for younger peers within the Wana Wa Mola community. With aspirations of becoming a computer engineer, Rama exemplifies resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

The impact of Rama’s transformation extends beyond his personal narrative, resonating deeply within his family. Their joy and gratitude towards Wana Wa Mola’s mission reverberate through their newfound stability—ample food, dignified attire, regular church attendance, and educational pursuits.

In expressing his gratitude, Rama extends heartfelt appreciation to the sponsors whose generosity has paved the way for his journey. Their benevolence not only provides material support but also instills hope and opportunity, shaping Rama’s path towards a brighter future.

Jay- Class 10

My name is Jay Mwanje, and I am 14 years old. I came to Wana Wa Mola when I was 8 years old. I come from Changamwe.

I initially lived with both of my parents in Changamwe, but they eventually disagreed and separated. My father took me with him, while my mother took my sisters to stay with her. I was the only boy in the family.

I lived with my father at the Mwakirunge dumping site. He was always drunk and could not provide for my basic needs. Often, he would bring food from the dumping site, and there were times when I went to bed hungry.

Fortunately, Uncle Benon came and took me and other boys to Wana Wa Mola. Life at Wana Wa Mola is much better. I have food every day, live in a good environment, and attend school. I am currently in Class 5, and next year, in 2019, I will be in Class 6.

My dream is to help my family and to be a good person. I aspire to become an artist and a musician.


Moses- Age 9

My name is Moses Musa, and I am 10 years old, currently in primary one. Originally from Moroto in the Karamoja region, my family moved to Soroti district in search of casual labor opportunities in people’s households and farms.

However, the long hours my family spent away from home left me hungry and alone. Desperate to find food, I turned to the streets where I met other children my age who convinced me that street life was exciting.

Life on the streets was far from easy; I faced violence and theft from older street children who were drug addicts. Despite the hardships, I felt trapped, as my friends threatened to harm me if I refused to stay with them.

Fortunately, my life changed for the better when Beats of Hope Africa reached out to me. Since joining their program, I no longer have to endure hunger and violence. I now have access to regular meals, bathing facilities, and a sense of happiness that I never experienced before. I am determined to leave the streets behind and focus on building a better future.

My dream is to continue my education and eventually become a soldier. With the support of Beats of Hope Africa, I am confident that I can achieve my goals and lead a fulfilling life.

Simon- Age 9

My name is Odongo Simon, and I am 10 years old, currently in primary two. Originally from Moroto in the Karamoja region, my journey brought me to Soroti district in Teso, Uganda, where my sister entrusted me with babysitting duties.

Life in Soroti was tough; I often went without food and resorted to scavenging in rubbish pits just to survive. The streets were even harsher, where I faced violence and theft from older street children who were drug addicts. Every day was a struggle, and I carried a heavy burden of anger and frustration.

However, everything changed when Beats of Hope Africa reached out to me. Since joining their program, my life has taken a positive turn. I now have access to regular meals, bathing facilities, and a sense of happiness that I never experienced before. The conditions at home no longer weigh me down, and I can finally smile again.

With this newfound stability, I am eager to pursue my education. My dream is to become a teacher in the future and eventually serve as an instructor in the army. Thanks to Beats of Hope Africa, I am filled with hope and determination for a brighter future ahead.

Stephen- Age 13

My name is Okwii Stephen, and I am currently in P.5 class. Originally from Lalele near Soroti city, my life took a challenging turn when my mother remarried in Aukot Gweri sub-county, also in Soroti, Uganda.

At home, hunger was a constant companion, and despite my love for education, financial constraints often kept me from attending school regularly. The strain at home became unbearable, leading me to seek solace in the streets.

The journey to the streets began when my parents separated, leaving me in the care of my grandmother, who mistreated and neglected me. Feeling abandoned and lost, I eventually found myself in the town streets, where survival meant turning to drugs like gum, cigarettes, and opium to cope with the harsh reality of life on the streets.

Despite the challenges, the streets offered a semblance of freedom, where I could scavenge for food in rubbish pits and sell scrap and bottles for survival. However, amidst the hardships, I longed for stability and a chance to pursue my education.

Thankfully, my life took a positive turn when I was rescued from the streets by caring individuals. Now, I have a home where I am provided with food, shelter, and access to medication. I am grateful for the opportunity to integrate into church activities and resume my education.

My dream is to return to school, complete my studies, and pursue a career as a driver. With the support and brotherhood I have found here, I am hopeful for a brighter future ahead.

Jonah- Age 12

My name is Enyiru Jonah, and I am 12 years old, currently in primary four. My journey to the streets began when my parents abandoned me at home, leaving me in the care of my grandmother. Unfortunately, even there, I faced abuse from my aunt, which led me to flee from home.

Life on the streets was tough; I had to scavenge for food by collecting garbage and selling used bottles just to survive. It was a constant struggle to make ends meet.

However, everything changed when I found my way to Beats of Hope Africa. Since joining their program, my life has taken a positive turn. I now have a safe home to stay in, supportive friends whom I trust, and the opportunity to attend church and read my Bible. Most importantly, I no longer have to worry about where my next meal will come from or where I will sleep at night.

With this newfound stability, I am determined to continue my education. My dream is to become a pilot one day, and with the support of Beats of Hope Africa, I believe that dream is within reach.