Volunteering LOCATIONS




Volunteering Programs

Welcome to our global volunteering program! We’ve created a platform to connect volunteers from around the world with projects that resonate with them. Whether you’re passionate about making a difference in Kenya, Uganda, the Netherlands, or beyond, we have opportunities for you.

In addition to our own projects, we’ve partnered with grassroots organizations, offering even more chances to get involved and make an impact.

At the heart of our program is the belief that collective action is key. We recognize that it takes the combined efforts of volunteers, donors, families, and friends to bring our passion projects to life.

Explore the various volunteering opportunities available and reach out to us if you’re interested. We warmly welcome you to join our community of changemakers!

1. Beats of Hope Children's Home

  • Description: Providing a home for street children in Mombasa, Kenya, Beats of Hope Children’s Home (Wana Wa Mola) offers hope and transformational opportunities. Since its inception in 2010, the home has grown to host over 50-100 children, providing essential care, education, and fostering talent through the Beats of Hope Arts Center.
  • Volunteer Roles:
    1. Mentor and train children in various skills.
    2. Offer guidance and life advice to empower children.
    3. Organize and participate in recreational activities.
    4. Assist in educational workshops and tutoring sessions.
    5. Support administrative tasks and record-keeping.

2. Beats of Hope Arts Center

  • Description: The Arts Center in Mombasa nurtures talents in music, dance, and performance arts, providing a platform for youth to explore their creativity. Volunteers play a vital role in supporting artistic development and community engagement.
  • Volunteer Roles:
    1. Mentor and train children in artistic skills.
    2. Engage in creative activities with children.
    3. Provide technical support in music recording and production.
    4. Assist in organizing performances and events.
    5. Develop outreach programs to involve the community.

3. Beats of Hope Backpackers

  • Description: Serving as a social enterprise to fund the Children’s Home, Beats of Hope Backpackers welcomes travelers to experience authentic Mombasa. Volunteers contribute to guest management and enhancing the backpacker experience.
  • Volunteer Roles:
    1. Manage accommodation and hospitality services.
    2. Host and interact with guests, offering local insights.
    3. Provide suggestions for improving guest experiences.
    4. Assist in organizing tours and project visits for guests.
    5. Contribute to sustainability initiatives at the backpackers.

4. African Safari Festival

  • Description: Supporting African music through Akogo Africa, volunteers play a crucial role in mentoring creatives and organizing music festivals. By promoting cultural exchange and global visibility, volunteers help elevate African talent.
  • Volunteer Roles:
    1. Mentor and train artists in music, dance, and arts.
    2. Assist in festival planning, logistics, and coordination.
    3. Support marketing and promotion efforts.
    4. Coordinate artist management and performances.
    5. Engage in community outreach to promote the festival.

5. Model Agriculture Village - Uganda

  • Description: Collaborating with Matunda Hub, Beats of Hope supports rural youth in agribusiness development in Eastern Uganda. Volunteers contribute to capacity building, entrepreneurship training, and community empowerment.
  • Volunteer Roles:
    1. Coach entrepreneurs on business and sustainability.
    2. Document project activities through media and storytelling.
    3. Share expertise in agriculture, permaculture, and farming.
    4. Plan and coordinate educational events and workshops.
    5. Facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities.

6. Beats of Hope Women Empowerment - Uganda

    • Description: Partnering with Sustain Micro Finance, this project empowers vulnerable women and families through microfinance and vocational skills training. Volunteers support women’s economic empowerment and community development.
    • Volunteer Roles:
      1. Coach women on business and financial literacy.
      2. Document project impact through storytelling and media.
      3. Share expertise in various skills relevant to women’s empowerment.
      4. Plan and coordinate empowerment events and workshops.
      5. Provide mentorship and support to women entrepreneurs.

Join us in making a difference and fostering positive change in communities. Together, we can empower lives and create sustainable futures.


Anja- Africa Safari Festival Volunteer

I would like to share my feelings and experiences from yesterday. It was a very energetic day. Sometimes a bit stressful from an organizational point of view. But we put a lot of energy into organizing this event and we received it back from the participants ❤! There were many children, and that brought a lot of happiness and joy to the atmosphere of the festival, making it, in my opinion, a family affair. I hope we have videos or photos of them, especially that little dancing king who danced with Daniel during his performance. That is definitely my best memory of this festival ❤. The second best memory is when people danced solos to drum music. That was really amazing. And that’s what I personally admire about African culture. Also: great music, delicious food, interesting workshops (they were all full), and fun disco. A lot of people told me they were satisfied and that they will attend the next events. 😁 Also, parents were happy that there were so many activities for children. Guys, I am very happy with this festival. I think we are on the right track. Thank you very much for your contribution and teamwork. I feel like there are many good festivals ahead of us and that beautiful memories can be created. ✨

Elize- Street Children's Home Volunteer

Before I left for Kenya, I knew very little about the project. I was going to work with street boys who had been taken in to ensure a better future. Now that I’ve seen Daniel and everything he has established here, I have respect for what he has done and continues to do.
This project is called Wana wa Mola, which means Children of God. There are about 20 boys aged 12 to somewhere in their 20s living here. Most of them go to school. Some are waiting to move on to the next level of schooling.
I see that they manage everything around the house themselves. Each boy can cook, do laundry, make a broom, crack coconuts, clean, and make beds. They are divided into groups and have rotating tasks.
I see older boys walking around, called mentors, who Daniel has raised and who want to follow in his footsteps. They have adopted his vision of life because Daniel is committed to instilling the boys with the right attitude towards life. When a couple of those older boys talk, I hear Daniel’s words in their voices. They adopt his way of thinking. Two boys I spoke to said that Daniel was like a father to them. That is what I find very special, that they all try to adopt that vision.
Additionally, I see that they are raised with a Christian background. They learn who God is and that God is love and loves them. They pray with and for each other. Their own families are not forgotten either. I find it wonderful that they are growing up with God.
The mentors are around 23 or older. They have their own talents with which they can contribute to Daniel and the project. One manages social media and documents everything with the camera. Two others are studying to become social workers. There is also a mentor who runs the guesthouse (the Agoko house). Daniel tries to teach them how to sustain themselves in life.
I see how the boys interact with each other. They are very good to each other. I haven’t seen any fights. Occasionally a disagreement, because they have different ideas. But ultimately, it works here that you listen to the person above you.
They are also very friendly, caring, and respectful to Erika and me. They accompany us when we need to go out on the street and make sure we are safe. They are also very enthusiastic about teaching us things, like how to make chapati. They are also curious about what my life is like in the Netherlands. They ask a lot of questions.
There is such a big difference between the behavior of street children and these boys. It’s an enormous change they have gone through.
I did this project together with my girlfriend Erika. It’s so cool to experience this together. Below is what we all did during the project:
In the first few weeks, the boys were on vacation, so there was a lot we could do during the day. Daniel wanted to show in the guesthouse at the entrance that the guesthouse is part of Wana wa Mola (the boys’ residence). That’s why we made a mural in the hallway with two other boys. On the other side, we put up a lot of photos with information, such as the project’s vision and mission. The mural turned out so well that we also made it on the wall in Wana wa mola.
On April 27th, we celebrated King’s Day. This was such a fun day. We played Dutch games. Everyone enjoyed the coziness and cheerfulness that this day brought.
During the time we were there, they had two weeks of vacation. So we could take them to the beach. Swimming and having fun.
I also talk a lot with different boys. It’s interesting to hear how life works here. In the first few weeks, I didn’t immediately see the poverty. I mainly saw people who were doing reasonably well, but if you look around better, go to other neighborhoods of the city, and hear stories from the boys, you notice that there really is poverty.
The next two weeks, we first helped renovate the restaurant. They want to start it to get jobs for the boys and more income. We repainted it. When guests come in, they immediately see typical Kenyan food on the wall. Furthermore, we were a bit busier in the afternoons and evenings. First administrative things to create some more order, and often we would then move on to the boys’ residence and just be there to watch them, chat with them, or help them with something.
I enjoyed all the varied tasks we did so much. Occasionally you didn’t do much and were just relaxing with the boys, other days the day lasted longer. For example, we went to a chicken farm they have to create extra income. This is a bit further outside the city, and there the nature and way of life are different from in the city.
What I find beautiful and what I really experienced during the project is that there is time for encounter. There is time to talk about someone’s experiences. We had a few things we wanted to do every day, and each time I thought: how are we going to do that if we keep stopping here and chilling there. But when I looked back at the end of a day, we had done more than I thought possible at a leisurely pace. I have learned that faster is not always better. I realize that there are people here who really have to work hard and still barely get by.
It was a learning process to live and work in a different culture!

Erika- Street Children's Home Volunteer

My name is Erika den Herder. For the past 6 weeks, I have been a volunteer at the organization Beats of Hope. Beats of Hope is dedicated to giving street children a future. They do this by opening a house to approximately 20 street boys. This allows them to go to school, develop themselves, and as they grow older, take on more responsibility to support themselves. Daniel, the founder, is their ‘father’ who guides them in this process. This project is called ‘Wana wa Mola’, which means Children of God. They are also raised with Christian values and principles. Besides the house, they also have other initiatives, such as a hostel, chicken farm, restaurant, and in the Netherlands, they organize festivals. This self-sufficiency prepares them for life in society.

Together with my girlfriend, who joined after 2 weeks, we performed various tasks for the organization. For example, in consultation with Daniel, I created a new brochure to clearly explain the organization to outsiders. In addition to administrative tasks, we also visited the boys’ chicken farm and learned about the culture and life outside the city. During our stay, the boys had a two-week vacation, allowing us to do fun activities with them during the day. We went to the beach, celebrated King’s Day here, and created beautiful murals with the boys. After the vacation, the boys returned to school. We then created a mural and designed a logo for the restaurant, which they will soon open.

As volunteers, we were able to perform important and visible tasks for the organization. Additionally, we learned a lot from the boys. They loved teaching us things like: ball games, dancing, washing clothes, cleaning, cooking, learning Swahili words, and trying new dishes. They are also very curious about the Netherlands and how things are done there. Sometimes it almost feels awkward to tell them how luxurious life is in the Netherlands. Despite this, the boys are not jealous, and they learn from Daniel that luxury does not necessarily equate to happiness. It’s a beautiful life motto that they believe in. Also, for the future, they want to have a stable income before starting a family. This is a very different approach from most people here in Kenya, where they have children at a young age with multiple partners.

The older boys are given more responsibility and are called ‘mentors’. Their talents are deliberately assessed, and from there, each receives different responsibilities. Such as running the hostel, being a chef in the restaurant, ensuring security at the boys’ house, or taking photos and videos for the organization’s social media.

I learned that the environment you grow up in is extremely important. Daniel teaches these boys good values and principles, and they truly adopt them. If you really want to change and lead a better life, it is truly possible. And you don’t need all the luxury items we have in the Netherlands. Here, they live in a much calmer way, if something doesn’t get done today, we’ll continue tomorrow. I learned that stressing is often unnecessary here. I found it amazing and feel honored to have been part of this organization for a short time. Organizations like this are vital for street children’s well-being.


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